Trainings and Certification

  • I am certified as a BBTRS Trauma Release System practitioner;

  • I am a certified Integral Life Coach, through New Ventures West, an ICF-accredited program;

  • I provided spiritual care, social support, and advoacy for hospice patients and their families for over ten years;

  • I have also taught and led meditation groups, retreats, and have offered spiritual direction and counseling;

  • I have two Master’s degrees, a master’s in Divinity and in European History from UCLA.

  • Prior to this, I had a 20+ decade career in providing IT management services for companies across the US. 

My Experience

Hospice Work and the Heart

In ten years of hospice work, I learned how to listen to and communicate with people who often couldn’t speak or hear. I learned how to hold a safe space for you to explore the depths of your own pain, your own being. I bring these same skills to coaching and breath work to support you in healing yourself.Under a chaplain’s guidance, I also interned in Spiritual Care at Kaiser Permanente. Although I worked with people of all ages, I worked mostly with teens and young adults.

Energy Work and the Body

Being embodied is the most important skill for being present in the world and to able to respond to what arises from a place of resource and wisdom. I have been an avid student of energy and somatic work for 10 years with different teachers including the following.

  • The last seven have been with Lynda Caesara, whose approach incorporates Wilhelm Reich’s five character structure work. The work of transcending these patterns includes being connected to ground, abiding in the core of your body, setting healthy physical and energetic boundaries and much more. 

  • I am also certified in BBTRS, a practice that incorporates breath, movement, sound, touch, emotional release and meditation as a gentle way to release trauma and the energy and emotions stored in the body.

  • I have also studied for years with Sergio Magaña in the Nahual tradition of energy work and healing.

Mind and Spirit

My yearning to know the truth of who we all are has been my most singular pursuit in life. I have been a devoted student of Spirit via many traditions, including Christianity, Yoga, Buddhism and indigenous traditions. I completed a four-year Kriya Yoga seminary program and have led and taught meditation to people of all ages. It is life itself that taught me to listen to the still small voice of my own soul. My reliance on this most constant, reliable, and wise part of Self has never led me astray-- even if it has led me down a more difficult path now and then. Most importantly, it has led me to my passion for supporting others in discovering their own still, small voice within.